Partial Black Screen

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Moderator: Anja

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Partial Black Screen

Beitragvon Joseph Baranowski » Fr 18.12.2009, 17:43

All all the games in Patience, 2/3 of the screen is green and 1/3 is black. If any cards are in the black area, they cannot be moved. This happened with the new upgrade.
Joseph Baranowski
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Fr 18.12.2009, 17:35

Re: Partial Black Screen

Beitragvon ric » Di 22.12.2009, 14:34

I have had that effect ONCE but was unable to make that happen again. What did you do to get this black screen part?

As I had this I just pressed the home button and restarted the app again. Even though I tried I was unable to force the game to behave this wrong way a second time. It would really help me a lot if you could tell me how to .......

AHHHH - I just had an idea and ... bingo. This happens ONLY when you press the button to start a new game from the main screen. I will fix that asap. For the time beeing please do not use that button but just turn your device to horizontal layout to start playing.

Sorry for any inconvenience.
Site Admin
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Fr 26.09.2008, 17:34
Wohnort: Hohenklingen

Re: Partial Black Screen

Beitragvon ric » Do 24.12.2009, 1:31

Ok. The bug is fixed. i just released version 4.17

Now it's up to the apple to check and deploy. This is roughly about two weeks.
By the way - I would highly appreciate a rating from you in the app store - hopefully better than one star ;)
Site Admin
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Fr 26.09.2008, 17:34
Wohnort: Hohenklingen

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