App broken - only allows one game?

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App broken - only allows one game?

Beitragvon chrisw » Mo 26.04.2010, 12:00

Hi, I'm running Patience v4.19 on an iphone 3GS and for some reason the app has suddenly broken. Now, it only allows me to play Gallery. If I try to select any other game, the app quits!

I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. On the Home screen, I tap the 'Change game' button. Then I choose a game from the scroll wheel. Then I tap the 'Select game ' button. Then the app quits and I'm returned to the iphone home screen.

Any suggestions? Are you planning an update any time soon? Or is it possible to reinstall the app using v4.19?


Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mo 26.04.2010, 11:42

Re: App broken - only allows one game?

Beitragvon ric » Sa 08.05.2010, 14:48

There was a bug in the app I fixed in the meanwhile. Today I deployed the new version 4.20 which should do anything ok. Thank you for your feedback. I hope you soon can play the game without any struggles.
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Registriert: Fr 26.09.2008, 17:34
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